Our #StandByBees campaign to cut harmful pesticides and support nature-friendly farming
As part of our long-standing commitment to supporting pollinators in decline, our #StandByBees campaign, spearheaded by our co-owner Anabel Kindersley, aims to cut the use of hazardous pesticides and promote nature-friendly farming in the UK to protect bees and the British countryside.
Since March, over 80 British businesses, including Yeo Valley, Lush, The Body Shop, British Beauty Council and CEW, alongside leading environmental organisations like Friends of the Earth, The Wildlife Trust and RSPB, among others, have joined us in support of the campaign.

The governmental action that inspired #StandByBees
Earlier this year, the government lifted the ban on neonicotinoid Cruiser SB to control virus-spreading aphids affecting the sugar beet crop. The decision went directly against the advice of government advisers and counters its own legal requirement to halt species loss by 2030, as set out in the Environment Act in 2021.
In response, Anabel delivered an open letter to Downing Street calling on the government to cut derogations for toxic pesticide use. Then, she launched a parliamentary petition lobbying the government to introduce an ambitious target for pesticide reduction, decreasing the amount used and toxicity levels, and new support for farmers to adopt alternative approaches to protecting crops.
Why we need to protect pollinators and the future of British farming
Modern farming methods that rely on pesticides to protect crops are harming our critical pollinators, and the long-term dangers they pose to nature must be addressed. To put the issue into context, just one teaspoon of neonicotinoid is enough to kill 1.25 billion bees, yet the government still authorises their use.
A clear pesticide reduction target, alongside new support for farmers in adopting alternative, nature-friendly approaches to pest management, should encourage farming innovation and help protect the health of the British countryside and food security for future generations.
A word from our co-owner Anabel Kindersley
“Standing united on this matter is more than just a coming together of like-minded people. It’s a call to arms for every person, company and organisation to spread the word and spur action. We hope that together, our voices will amplify the call on the government and drive positive, meaningful change.”
How you can help
While we’re thrilled that our campaign has seen such a positive response, our efforts don’t stop there! To show your support for the bees, please visit standbybees.co.uk to sign our parliamentary petition and learn more about the campaign.