Ethical Trading Policy - Commitment Statement
We love creating natural, organic beauty and health products that are efficacious, in a way that cares for people and our planet. We opened our first shop in Covent Garden, London, in 1981. From the start, we have been committed to providing a satisfying, safe and supportive workplace for all and to ensuring fair and respectful relations with suppliers.
In 2014 we became the first health and beauty brand to receive 100/100 for ethics by The Ethical Company Organisation and proud of our continued ethical trade commitment.
We are committed to trading responsibly, ethically and to respect labour rights in our supply chain activities through our Do Good Ethical Supplier & Supply Chain Guiding Principles. Our principles are based on the ETI Base Code, founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and are:
- Employment is freely chosen
- Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
- Working conditions are safe and hygienic
- Child labour shall not be used
- Living wages are paid
- Working hours are not excessive
- No discrimination is practiced
- Regular employment is provided
- No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
- Protecting the environment
- Law
We are privileged to buy a wide range of materials from many countries around the world and because our supply chain is global, we take our responsibility seriously towards those involved, both directly and indirectly. We aim to build strong, respectful, long-term relationships with our suppliers, resulting in a robust and resilient supply chain.
Our ongoing membership of SEDEX and ETI reflects our longstanding commitment to responsible sourcing practices, as well as our commitment to building strong, respectful, long-term relationships with our suppliers, all of which results in a robust and resilient supply chain. Our due diligence practices ensure we seek certain written assurances from our suppliers and trading partners, that we only trade with companies that demonstrate alignment with our guiding principles framework, and that we work with our suppliers to evaluate any associated risks within the supply chain and implement an effective strategy for their mitigation.
We are committed to taking reasonable care and value our engagement with workers and their elected representatives.
We expect our suppliers both present and future to operate in accordance with the ETI base code as a pre-requisite to trading and adopt similar guiding principles throughout their own supply chains. Our suppliers are required to acknowledge receipt of our Do Good Guiding Principles; are required to join and maintain current SEDEX membership and grant electronic access to Neal’s Yard (Natural Remedies) Limited for both the SEDEX SAQ and any uploaded audits and non-conformity reports. All suppliers are required to provide cooperation with audits and inspections at the request of Neal’s Yard (Natural Remedies) Limited. And we reserve the right to immediately suspend the commercial relationship, including existing contracts if suppliers are found to be in breach of our ethical standards.
Read our full Ethical Trading Policy here
Anabel Kindersley
Chief Executive Officer
Neal’s Yard (Natural Remedies) Limited
Dated: 9th May 2024
Next review date: +12 months from document date