Yoga is a combination of body postures and breathing exercises which aims to benefit body and mind. Your session will depend on your own goals but ultimately will increase physical awareness, building strength and connecting with the breath. This can be challenging but the intensity is yours to set.
What to expect during your session
Choose from a private lesson with a qualified yoga teacher or take part in an organised class to suit your mood.
Private lesson
The structure of your private lesson will depend on the style of yoga that your teacher practices, and which areas you've told them you'd like to focus on. Your teacher will be there to demonstrate and offer advice on your form as you go. You can expect to be challenged a little, but the intensity of the class is yours to set. The session will end with a relaxing wind-down and/or meditation to reset your mind for the rest of the day or evening.
Yoga class
Choose a class that suits your level and mood. If you’re after a particular style of yoga, take a few minutes to browse individual profiles of our teachers before booking to find the right teacher and class for you.