Alexander Technique

A gentle technique to learn how to improve your posture for ease of movement and wellness.

The Alexander technique helps to break habitual patterns that influence the way you use your body in your everyday.

The technique teaches you how to move with optimal comfort and fluidity to improve posture, ease of movement and your overall sense of wellbeing.

What to expect during your session

We all move a certain way to perform everyday tasks without thinking about how we’re using our body to do it. Your qualified therapist will assess your current movement and posture by asking you to perform some simple activities, such as walking, sitting in a chair or standing, while gently placing their hands on certain points of the body that hold tension, like the shoulders, neck or back. They will identify where you can improve and teach you new techniques to help you move with optimal comfort and fluidity, with the ultimate aim of improving posture, ease of movement and your overall sense of wellbeing.